Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Daily goodness

“Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.”
Psalm 23:6 NLT

I once wrote in my journal about a crazy day. I re-read it recently and got re-encouraged about how God provides goodness, on such a daily basis.
But on that particular day, the goodness just kept coming.
I want to share with you that journal entry:

Thursday 21st July, 11:27am
Yesterday was such a wonderful, wonderful day.
OK- it started out early due to the pitter patter of rain on the roofs. But after that, I watched half of the X-men movie over lunch (which I couldn’t be bothered to venture out to get), so I made noodles at home and added kimchi, twas good!
Then off to work, which was OK! My boss gave me this really really yummy raisin bread that reminded me of home, and I appreciated getting free bread.

After work, went home to finish off the rest of X-men movie. Then went off to go tutor Maggie’s kids. I didn’t want to ride my scooter for fear of rain, so I decided--why not walk to the MRT (underground train) station. Walking there ended up longer than expected, slow because of the red lights, and me not being able to cross the road etc. I guess it had been a long time since I had walked to the MRT station. And just when I thought I was going to be late, I bump into Mavis! She was on her scooter! And so she asked where I was going, and told me to hop on, and she ended up riding me, just down the road, to the MRT stop! That was such a miracle!
Which meant I got to Maggie’s place on time. After tutoring her kids (actually they were pretty quick and eager to learn today!) Maggie gave me two pears--which was super nice.

Then I went back on the MRT to go to ORTV.
I was waiting at the platform when someone tapped me on the shoulder and it was Christine! Which was a super nice surprise seeing her on the off chance! 
We chatted before the next train came and for that one stop distance [then I had to get off]. It was just super sweet to see her and what a great coincidence!

Off to ORTV and it was good too, despite it just being me leading the bible study--I didn’t mind cos it was a great day! Birdy came back from Australia and came back with some kangaroo crisps--a multi-pack, And inside were packets containing many flavours, but one flavour caught my attention: it was salt and vinegar flavoured crisps--which got me super excited!! They were SO good!

Then after ORTV, Pei asked if I wanted to go buy a dress right now (she had offered a while ago to take me shopping, because I complimented her about her dresses, and asked her where she gets those amazing designs from]. So Pei asked me if I was free to go shopping, and I thought about it and agreed! So off we went! Turns out she looks for big designs then gets them tailored and altered to fit her! So that is what we did! And the amazing and crazy thing was, was that she wanted to buy me a dress as a gift! Paying for the dress, and paying for the alteration so that it fits my body! Amazing! I’m super super thankful for that!

I walked back to the train station because I decided I wanted to catch a bus directly home. I bumped into Sue and Pete on the way walking back from the train station (they were going home from ORTV), and it was nice to chat a little with them...
It was such a great day! I didn’t even get rained on when going home either!
Honestly, yesterday was such a day of blessing and I’ve only got God to thank, because it felt like God’s love and blessings were pouring down through a lot of people.
But really, yesterday felt like I had downed a bottle of Liquid Luck (from Harry Potter!!! haha).

(Then after two days I realised why...)
I was amazed when I got reminded of my blessings recently:
- My boss gave me bread > a reminder that God will always feed me.
- Mavis gave me a scooter ride to the MRT station > a reminder that God will always provide a way.
- Birdy gave me the taste of salt and vinegar > a reminder that God is sending me home, and so I can have my British fix!
- Pei gave me a dress > a reminder than God will always clothe me.
- At the ORTV bible study, we looked at Zacchaeus > because God wanted to teach the others, and more obviously me, about trusting God for money.
- Bumping into Christine, then Sue and Pete, them giving me encouragement > a reminder that God will always provide words of affirmation when I need it the most.

It was certainly a great day. That day, it felt like it was just good coincidences But it wasn’t until the day after--I got worried for the future, and got discouraged. But then I re-read the previously good day’s entry and realised God was trying to tell me something.
That whatever happens, God’s goodness and unfailing love will always be with me everyday.
And it took all day of good blessings for me to figure it out. And what’s cool was, God covered all aspects of things. From bread, to clothing, to transport, to money, to encouragement... and more!

Can’t help it, but who could not want to follow a God like that?

Monday, July 9, 2012

search me

Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me,
And lead me in the way everlasting.
Psalm 139:23-24 [NIV]

This above psalm is such a beautiful psalm. Actually there’s a lot of these beautiful psalms. But I think this is just one of the many.

I think it’s beautiful because it is completely something a humble person would honestly say to God, in their prayer time.
It’s saying to God that He needs to search us, as in to examine us and know what’s in our hearts.
It’s praying boldly that we want God to test us and to know our anxious thoughts [or whatever is in our thoughts].
And to see if there is anything offensive – which needs to also be addressed.
And through this, to continue to be led to His way, forever.

I think it’s a great prayer or psalm. Something to say to God.

Many times we just go to God without speaking with honesty about what’s going on in our hearts.
Every day there is actually something that we need to come clean to God about.
So a simple prayer for God to search us, know our hearts, test us, know our thoughts, and to see if there’s anything niggling at our minds, hearts and us.
There’s something everyday, because we aren’t perfect and we will always fall short of the glory of God [because we’re sinners, we WILL let God down]. But once you’ve established that, and through sanctification [knowing we can’t change but only God can change us, through His Grace and blood, in order to become holy THROUGH Him.]

I like it because it’s not only like a prayer to God; but it can also be a reminder that God is all knowing, but we should still come before Him, humbly. It’s a reminder to US that we need God. We DO offend Him, and acknowledging that we offend Him causes us to deal with the issues between us and God.
It’s reminding us that we can easily fool ourselves into believing we’re good. But the truth is, God knows us better than what we know of ourselves. So for God to search us, is reminding us that we need to be under close scrutiny from God. We need to be truly examined. And with that we can humbly walk with Christ, being led in His way.

I like this verse. Join with me to meditate using this psalm. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Let your conversation be gracious and effective so that you will have the right answer for everyone.
Colossians 4:6 NLT

I majored in English language studies. Not learning English as a second language. But looking at the history of language, the way people talk, why we use certain words, how men and women communicate, how toddlers/children learn how to talk, communication and conflict. It was bordering on psychology and anthropology, yet also overlapping to communication studies, body language and spacial stuff.
I actually enjoyed my degree, it was interesting. But I honestly don’t think I’m the greatest communicator. Yes I know all about it. But it doesn’t make me great at it.

The interesting thing is, though we may have a hard time communicating with one another, God can still use us to speak (or not speak!) To share stories, to encourage, to witness to, to bond with one another through quality time.
I can kind of relate to Moses, in that Moses had a speech impediment.
Wow! Ansy has a speech impediment?
Only a little! Sometimes I stutter, but it’s nothing someone would consider a huge problem.
I stutter when nervous, only stutter a little. And when I’m really nervous [like when I’ve thought about what to say, and am waiting my turn to share it to the scaryish group] my voice sounds different.
But I liked how God still used Moses to be a leader and to change the history of the Israelite slaves.

Which brings us back to the above verse. It's not how good or bad you are at talking. As long as you glorify God though your words, by default it can be gracious and effective, offering a right answer for everyone. And to glorify God, you need to ask yourselves “Is what I’m saying about ______ glorifying to God?” “Is this edifying?” (edifying meaning to strengthen and encourage each other and building them up).

Recently at a social gathering, a friend had invited a friend to join us. You automatically knew she was a non-believer, by the way she spoke-words of pain and hurt, explicit words, words that would tear someone down, words that innocent children wouldn’t know what it meant, words that would make any mother cover her child’s ears.
“Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be.” James 3:10 (NIV)
It can really make a difference when you meet someone who has language that is pleasant, praising, and just gentle without curses. It really makes a different.

Or let’s not get into swearing. Something as basic as gossip can be far from gracious and effective [in the positive sense!]

In my degree we came to a conclusion that communication can tear someone down, or raise them up. Tearing someone down can spiral deeper and deeper, ending up being a continuous cycle into the deep abyss (or something worse, it can end physically dangerous). Whereas when you raise someone up through words-it can have such a massive positive effect.

It’s a good reminder to be on your guard to have decent conversations, seasoned with good flavours, rather than flavours that can knock someone out. KO style.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

thanksgiving and praises

Psalm 95:2
"Let us come to Him with thanksgiving. Let us sing psalms of praise to Him.”

I challenge you today, to think about things you want to thank God for.
Maybe today was a bad day. Perhaps you can thank God that it didn’t end up too bad.
Maybe today was a good day, easy to find something to thank God for.
Maybe today you said goodbye to someone, in fact we need to thank God for friendship?
Maybe today you had an answered prayer, all the more reason to praise God.
Maybe today someone did a huge favour for you, yay for people helping you.
Or maybe today you were down. All the more reason to be singing to Him, turning the despair into praises.

Whatever day you’ve had, turn it into psalms of praises to God.
It’s a good feeling when one swaps one bad thing and God changes it for good.
It’s a good feeling when one brings a good thing and God makes it even better.

Lifting up praises to God is one thing we were inclined and born to do.
And one thing we will definitely do in heaven.
But here on earth we have a tendency to forget to praise Him, and wallow in despair.

I know I have a tendency to wallow in self pity, and when feeling down you just want to listen to songs that mirror that. It can get so dangerous. Instead, listening to songs that have praising God lyrics can be very beneficial and remind us all of God’s amazing power, love and faithfulness.

In good times and bad times, praise Him.
We spend too much time in our days thinking about the bad negative things, and we forget to thank God for our blessings.
We spend too much time taking credit for things, but really, we need to thank God for all He gives us, or helps us with.

In good times and bad, let’s sing psalms of praise to Him, offering thanksgiving to the One who so freely blesses us abundantly.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Preparing an answer

1 Peter 3:15 (NIV)
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect

I looked at some other versions to explain the “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord”, as this can be hard to actually understand. Other versions say:
NLT: "Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life”
ESV: “but in your hearts honour Christ the Lord as holy,”
KJV, NKJV, NASB etc, all use the words: “but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts”
God’s word translation: “But dedicate your lives to Christ as Lord”

And most of the other translations are similar to the ones above.
Interesting, isn’t it?

And the word “Sanctify” in the dictionary is basically, to make holy, purify and make it free from sin, to entitle it with respect and honour that it deserves.
So, in simple modern day terms, we need to put Christ as Lord in our hearts, with respect and honour, free from sin and to honour Him as a holy being.

The second part is simple. 
To be prepared to give an account for what you believe in. 
Explain why you have the hope in Christ.
Being ready to give an answer to their questions as they wonder about what you believe in.
And to do this with gentleness and respect. [there’s more in verse 16 too, go check it out!]

It’s a good verse to be reminded of.
I remember when I had first become a Christian. I remember someone asking me about it, and I can honestly say I didn’t know how to answer. Simply because I wasn’t prepared.
Kind of how at an interview, the interviewer asks you a really really hard question that totally throws you. Like completely.
And you either don’t know how to answer, or you try and explain [or blab in my case], but you fail to be correct. In verse 16 it does tell us we need to be careful so as to not cause them to speak ill of you.
Which is exactly why, in cases like interviews or someone asking you about your faith -- you need to know your stuff and be prepared to give an answer.

But fear not. With plenty of practises at interviews, or through time, people always ask you about why you believe, you end up knowing what to say, or what not to say. 

But all in all, it certainly does help to have your heart focused on Jesus, as Christ your Lord, as a holy being.
And if that’s the case, you can’t really go wrong!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Is it genuine?

Matthew 6:1
"Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.

That verse is dead on when it comes to warning us not to be all braggy and showy in front of people.
That is exactly why you shouldn’t just view someone based on their actions and the way they are in public.
What you see is not necessarily what you get.

In the past couple of months I’ve been traveling around and staying for a little with friends here and there.
Seeing them at home in their natural habitat is different from seeing them out in the public, say at church being the prime example.
Seeing how they interact with people, how they react to this bad situation, how they are at ease at home and rather uptight out in the public.
Seeing them relax vs be close to melting point.
It’s all very different.

But what always used to make me think, and it still does, was what that bible passage says. Actually the following few verses in chapter 6 of Matthew. All the way up to verse 18. Everything we do in secret will be rewarded in heaven.

Which was why when I first became a Christian, and I thought to myself, I should start with the book of Genesis, then when I reached Leviticus, it got too hard, so then I decided I should read Matthew. Then I came across chapter 6. And it made me all the more shy about praying in public. Why should I pray out loud in public for all to hear? Why should I practice being a Christian in front of people if people will think I’m braggy?

I think it took me a while to understand the meaning of this passage.
And here’s what I learnt [and will always continue to learn about this]:

The passage tells us not to be showy offy. Like the Pharisees.
A “Sunday Christian”. Someone who is only a Christian on Sunday. And then gradually throughout the week, slips back into his/her old ways and habits. But when in front of people, gives off a persona of someone who is a Christian, all holy and righteous and look at me, and my big super holy nose.

Yes, we should practice what is being preached. And we should practice what we preach. And practice what we believe.

The difference is, behind closed doors, we need to still pray in secret, do righteous things in secret, fast in secret. And not to make a spectacle about it.
And so through time, this becomes a good discipline, so much so it becomes part of your daily life, pretty much ingrained... that it then goes out with you into the open. And it becomes part of your character, a righteous character trait.

And so when people do view you at home, or observe you when you’re not looking [or you're blatantly not on stage for all to see], you are genuine.
Your goodness is genuine. And that you’re not a hypocrite. But you’re the real deal.

But what happens behind closed doors is between you and God.

Is your faith for show? Or is it genuine?
In front of people, you’re in the light.
But when you’re alone, are you in the light with God? Or are you hidden in the dark? Not being the light??
Are you really genuine? Is what you believe and say you believe genuine?

I guess only God knows. And you too.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

in waiting

Romans 12:12 
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

As simple as the author wrote, it’s a simple matter of a fact statement. But there is an element of challenge to it.

How far, just how far, would YOU go for your friends?
So you’re going to meet up with a friend. Say, by the train station exit. You get there, about 2-5 minutes early. And you wait. You look at your watch, it’s now the time that you and friend agreed to meet. You look around, and see no sign of friend. Then 10 minutes pass, still no show. 15 minutes, 20, then 30. Sure in this day and age, there are things like mobile phones: a quick phone call to see where your friend is, or a text message just in case your friend is driving. But what if your friend doesn’t have a phone? Or forgot the phone? Or the mobile ran out of battery? Or nobody is picking up the phone?
Would you still wait? Would you still stand there waiting after 30 minutes? 45 minutes? And hour? Even still, no form of communication?
How far would you go, in terms of waiting?

I’ve asked this question to a few of my friends. Most would give it 30 minutes, some an hour. You also have to take into consideration how close of a friend this friend was.
Some say that if this friend is well-known for having issues with punctuality, they’d expect that from them.
Others say that if this has happened on many occasions, just to you... then that friend is just disrespecting you, disrespecting your time. Doesn’t respect this friendship. Expects you to keep waiting [with no communication, on their part, though they could communicate, they just don't....]
You would be unforgiving, wouldn’t you?
In theory, you say you’d be ok, but if this has actually happened to you, after an hour or maybe two hours of waiting... you certainly grow very annoyed.

What about waiting on God? How long can you wait for?

You asked God, in prayer, for something.
Maybe it was for God to heal someone’s mother--who has been in a coma for several years.
Maybe you asked God to bless you with a spouse.
Maybe you asked God to provide a way for you to go on to the mission field.
Maybe you asked God to save the family members and to receive salvation.
Maybe you asked God to bless you with a baby.
Maybe you just want the time to pass by quickly so you can hurry up and not wait around for this special day to happen etc.
Whatever it is, our patience is certainly tested.

Then you see someone else healed, yet that other person is not.
You attend someone’s wedding, perhaps that person getting married is in their 30s or 40s.
You learn about someone getting funding and being sent off within 6 months to the mission field, absolutely everything falling in to place.
Several thousand people believe, yet your family still don’t.
Suddenly there’s a baby boom and everyone around you is having babies.

Sure, our patience is tested even more, when you see that God is answering prayers for other people, but just not answering YOUR prayers.
How annoyed does that make you feel? Jealous much? sure!

Yet in the bible, we are STILL told to be joyful in hope. Not hope begrudgingly. Not “I hope so... but bleh” type of hope. It’s to be joyful IN hope. Have hope that is positive and joyful.

We are STILL told to be patient in affliction. Nobody likes waiting around. Affliction meaning times of distress, grief, bad times, misery, sickness etc. just generally negative times. And through this, be patient  because things can only get better.

And lastly. Faithful in prayer. Continue to be faithfully praying, in communication to God.
Like keep calling that friend up when you’re waiting for them.
Keep calling on God, keep talking.

He might be telling you that you need to wait, He’s coming. But if you don’t communicate with Him, you won’t know what He’s telling you.

Patience IS a virtue, yes. Virtue as a good thing, righteous thing.
But praying faithfully and joyful hope, is like the cream-of-the-crop icing on a righteous and delicious cake.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

holy not impure

1 Thessalonians 4:7
“God has called us to live holy lives, not impure lives.”

A very short, to the point verse for today.
So short and to the point, all I’ll say is this.
We need to live holy lives, not impure lives.

If we believe in Him, we will walk the walk, not only talk the talk, but walk the walk.
And in walking this walk, we must do what He taught.

So it’s not all believe and thats all.
We do need to live holy lives, not impure lives.

Straight, to the point, and short post today.
But it makes us think, or so I hope.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


1 Peter 5:8-9
Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.

I think I’ve forgotten what people are like when they are not sober, by that I mean drunk. Drunk not on life, but intoxicated on alcohol. I recently came across some drunks, (not by choice of course! But God happened to place me there!)
And all I can say is, wow, what a life they have.
When drunk, or not sober, you really don’t have boundaries. Or a sense of good or bad. Really. Your mind is totally skewed, so much so that your thoughts are incredibly irrational.

[no wonder why people shouldn’t drink and drive!]

But that’s besides the point.

My point is, even in the bible it says we must be sober-minded. To not be drunk so much so we lose our senses. Be watchful, or in some other bible versions, it says to be vigilant. To stay awake and to never be caught off guard. How do you expect to be awake and to not be caught off guard if you’re fast asleep because your senses are switched off due to being drunk??

The next part, is a warning. I don’t know about you, but sure we never get in much contact with lions, as a normal person. But if you’re like me and you’re scared of dogs--it’s a scary thought. Fine, dogs don’t eat you up [but they do bite!] I’m thinking those that are trained to be dog-fighters can really attack!
Or how about snakes that do eat you alive. Or crocodiles. ok. imagination running wild. But we’re talking serious animals that will devour you. To sum, we need to be careful!

It says to resist him and to be firm in your faith and to know that we’re not the only ones suffering--as others are too. How encouraging is that thought! Because actually when we are suffering we seem to wallow in self-pity. But it all seems much better when you know you’re not the only one having a pity party. After all, misery loves company!

But yeh, all this can be done by being watchful, on your guard, being firm in faith [i.e. trusting in God, that He will help!] And being sober-minded-so you can at least walk in a straight line.

In times of suffering we don’t have to turn to drink to make it seem easier.
In times of suffering we need to know that others do understand.
And in times of suffering, we need to remember that it’s times like these that we need to be firm in our faith and know that God rules.
Easier said than done. But it’s a great reminder. Right?

Friday, May 25, 2012


Malachi 3:6
"For I am the Lord, I do not change.”

Despite how over time by default, circumstances change and over time our thinking and just general attitudes change over time, maybe because of this bad experience with a guy or girl... Or you've been made unemployed suddenly... Or you for some crazy reason, experience financial loss, so much so that you must file for bankruptcy...

Over time, human beings change.
Friends and other relationships change too.
Someone you used to consider dear and closest to you will one day be very far from you physically or emotionally. Why? Too many changes and making it so hard to continue having that relationship. Because friendship is a two way street: Only works if both parties want the friendship to continue. But sometimes it just doesn't happen. And so it becomes a one way street. And then eventually nobody walks down that street, because there’s no point in trying to get through to the other person.

And that's what it's like with lots of people... And their relationship with God.

We say things have changed.
But really... God doesn't change. It's us that has changed. Not Him. God remains the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
And despite how much we change, either for better or worse (or richer or poorer, sickness and health!!) ... He will not move and change.
He will not be shaken or affected.
Simply put, that's stability for you.

And what's crazy is that the truth always remains the same. And that is, despite how much we change, how far we end up away from God, He will always be waiting for us. It's not really a temperamental relationship like how it is with so and so... It's different. It's not hot or cold. It will always be a fact that God loves us no matter how we mess up time and time again.

With an unchangeable God, with an unchangeable relationship-- who wants to follow the world where fashions change, people change, leaders change, money fluctuates...?
I know I don’t. Do you?

Monday, May 14, 2012

Go and make

Matthew 28:18-20 NIV
Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

This is the classic missions verse showcasing the ever so famous great commission. Sure it's overused among certain circles, but it has reason to be overused. And with great significance does this verse hold.

There is one thing that I particularly enjoying doing when studying or meditating on a verse... And that's to think about the verbs used in the verse. Let's do just that today...

Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

With those verbs highlighted it really helps us understand the importance of this verse. And to put simply in a nutshell, this verse is telling us to: go, make disciples, baptize them, teach them to obey commands.

And just in case we get a little disheartened along this path of life of Christianhood, Jesus wants us to know that He is always always with us until the very end. That's sweet.

Let's all meditate on those verbs and then the verse as a whole...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Seeds in different ground

Mark 4:1-20 (NIV)

The Parable of the Sower

4 Again Jesus began to teach by the lake. The crowd that gathered around him was so large that he got into a boat and sat in it out on the lake, while all the people were along the shore at the water’s edge.2 He taught them many things by parables, and in his teaching said: 3 “Listen! A farmer went out to sow his seed. 4 As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. 5 Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. 6 But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. 7 Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants, so that they did not bear grain. 8 Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up, grew and produced a crop, some multiplying thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times.”9 Then Jesus said, “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.”10 When he was alone, the Twelve and the others around him asked him about the parables. 11 He told them, “The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outsideeverything is said in parables 12 so that,“‘they may be ever seeing but never perceiving,    and ever hearing but never understanding;otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!’[a]”13 Then Jesus said to them, “Don’t you understand this parable? How then will you understand any parable? 14 The farmer sows the word. 15 Some people are like seed along the path, where the word is sown. As soon as they hear it, Satan comes and takes away the word that was sown in them.16 Others, like seed sown on rocky places, hear the word and at once receive it with joy. 17 But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. 18 Still others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the word; 19 but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful. 20 Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop—some thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times what was sown.”

I know, I know. It's a massive chunk of text. But in all honesty it's such a great parable.

Jesus is so creative to be able to use a story like that to help people in those days AND people of today... To visualize something with a scene in order to explain something that has always been true and will always be true.

I never truly understood this parable, nor related much to it before. But it wasn't until I was the one sowing seeds (sowing as in putting out the seeds so they would grow)... I could relate to it because I was doing just that.
Even still, when I first started sowing seeds (by serving and planting seeds in lives by sharing the gospel)... I just assumed that God knows where all the seeds were falling, in good soil or in bad places with bad growing conditions. I just figured God knows. And it's ok.

But in actual fact, we should care about the seeds.

I want to be truthful here. After many years of sowing now... When I started I wasn't sure about the end results. I didn't know if these plants would grow. I wasnt sure if fruit would florish.
But now as the years have passed, I've learnt a lot about the different types of seeds grown in different conditions. And truth is, it's a sad sad outcome that some seeds will never grow, some will be eaten away by crows, some will be choked by thorns... It's sad but true.
I've seen that happen to some people through the years.

But while seeing the bad, I've also seen the good seeds grow into something amazing!
And well it's encouraging to see!

Yet one thing remains: although it's sad to see that some of the seeds don't end up in good growing conditions-- we shouldnt be discouraged. We should continue sowing seeds. Because the fruit is by far something worth celebrating over.
And at the end of the day, God might just save the bad seeds eventually...
But all in all--it's important to not forget this parable. It demonstrates that God determines where the seed falls. And we should continue to sow for Him.

I challenge you to read it again, slowly and to reflect upon it.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Alive and active

Hebrews 4:12-13
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.

I've come to notice a difference in certain public speakers. Or just someone speaking in a speech. I've come to love speakers that are biblically sound and concrete. Backing each statement they make with scripture that isn't just to prove the point of the point being made, but rather using the word as God's original intention, that is to speak to us. And for it to be applied to our lives.

"Alive and active" indeed.
It's as alive as Jesus was after He rose from the dead. 
It's active and moving people in all directions to face God.
It's alive even though it was written so so long ago.
It's active almost like it is so full of energy and is ready to explode in your face (but in a good way!)
It's alive as like God has breathed life into it so its so very alive.
And it's active like its so powerful and influencial so much so when one reads it you can't help but be swept away by it.

The next few parts of the verse are always mentioned as its very visual and descriptive.Yet I do want to say a few words about the bit before the end:
Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. vs. 13
I get tremendous encouragement from this verse. Simply because it reminds us that God is watching, nothing is hidden from His sight. Like he has super vision. And I think about those that might be suffering at the hands of those that want to harm or are against God, causing people to suffer. I just think that those that cause the suffering will have to deal and give an account. And God will judge that.

It is not in secret, though hidden to the public, it is uncovered and laid out in the open before God--the judge.
The good, the bad, the ugly.
And God can see everything.God reveals our sins at the very end. All the bad. But I guess we have an opportunity to deal with it. And with God's word (the bible) being so alive and active, and through the Holy Spirit...
We can pray that you'd be convicted (owning up after feeling bad/guilty) and so will change.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Come near

James 4:8
Come near to God and he will come near to you.

This is a verse that I didn’t know existed until I randomly found it, and figured it was appropriate to write it in someone’s birthday card. And then later on the friend tells me it was the second time they read that verse, within the same day. Someone else shared that same verse with them.

It’s a great reminder, is it not, to come near to God. In some versions it’s draw near... get close to...

I was struggling to find something applicable for today, or wasn't able to find inspiration for verses worth devo-reflecting upon. Even looking at other verses, nothing came.
Until I remembered this verse.

And I think in times when you’re absent minded. Or you feel like you don’t know what’s going on. Or just downright distracted, I think whatever happens, you need to do one thing, and that’s to draw near, come near, get close to God. And by default He’ll do the same.
It’s not like we can develop a relationship with someone, or anyone, even God, from a distance.
We have to physically, spiritually and mentally be closer in distance... in order to develop intimacy.
We need to approach Him daily, on a regular basis, in the name of Jesus, in faith and in prayer.

So when you’re stuck. Or if you’re clueless, or if you’re you’re feeling meh.... just come near to God.

I’ll end here and that’ll be my little contribution to this blog for the day. After feeling a bit meh. Time to go near to God.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Isaiah 1:18
“Come now, let us settle the matter,” 
    says the Lord.
“Though your sins are like scarlet,
    they shall be as white as snow; 
though they are red as crimson,
    they shall be like wool. 

I have a tendency to drop food down my front. Always. Without fail. And I won’t notice it until later on, when it’s really really far too late to wipe it clean. Or rinse it out quickly.
It’s come to the point whereby I don’t really care, because it happens too often now.
One time I met someone, we went to eat something. And she dropped a bit of the sauce on her top. She went berserk. It was a stain, it sure looked bad. But it was nothing in comparison to how bad I usually have it.
And it made me think, sins are like stains. We should care about it. Not just ignore it.
Because at the end of the day they ARE very difficult to get rid of. Stains. oh and sins.
I realised I should care when I stain a top.

It wasn’t when I dropped a stain on one of my favourite tops did I realise the importance or rather how bad my condition was.

Washing any stain is hard work. It only hits you when you must hand wash the stains.
Warm water, soap, fingers rubbing them, or rubbing the material with another bit of the material. And some tough and stubborn stains are nightmares.

I like the above verse.
Our sins are like scarlet. A deep deep red. So very stained. And a very stubborn thing to wash out.
Yet they will be as white as snow. It will become pure again...
Red as crimson -- another deep deep red.... it’ll be like wool--un-dyed wool, a pure and natural form.

That’s nice.

So should I be fussed when I stain something? If at the end of the day, God will wash my sins away so my top becomes as white as snow?


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Didn’t Spare Him

Romans 8:32 NIV
He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?

In my own words, to sum up the above verse... simply put.
God gives us freebies. After all, He gave His Son for us, and didn’t spare Him.

He didn’t spare his own Son. He didn’t hesitate to put his own Son’s neck on the line, for our sakes. In the dictionary, “to spare” can mean, refrain from harm or destroying, hurt or pain. So God didn’t spare his Son. He didn’t stop his own Son from harm, from feeling pain or hurt. For our sakes. So we don’t need to suffer the consequences of our sins.
God gave his Son for us.

And so the argument is, how then will he NOT give us things?
I’m not talking material things (although that’s usually the obvious assumption). God is more than the material giver.
I know people in Asia worship Santa Claus because they believe he’s the god of material gifts.
No, not God, the Creator. 
He’s not only the provider of material goods. He also blesses us with: 
- Redemption: delivering us from our wages of sin [which would have been death]
- Grace [a free gift, see the previous post!]
- Spiritual blessings [can’t summarize right now sorry... another post for another day!]
- Adoption into His family of believers so we are Heirs to His throne in Heaven. [yeh, we’re Royalty!]
- Eternal life
- And of course love 
I could go on. That’s just the tip of the iceberg!

It’s a crazy concept. How freely He gives. But it was at the cost to His own Son’s death. 
To a non-believer who can’t get their head around it, or a normal person... You’d think He was nuts.
No. I think that’s what we call UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
Love with NO limits. For the sake of so many more of His Sons and Daughters.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Repaying evil

1 Peter 3:8-9 NIV

Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.

I read this verse and I totally wanted to write a devo reflection on it. My reason being is this. It’s very easy to read it and be all “That’s fine. That’s easy. I can do that.” then you close your bible and forget about that verse.

Can we actually be like-minded? All agreeing and not disagreeing on things. No conflicts?
Can we be sympathetic? What about sympathizing with someone that struggles with something? Or is still mourning the loss over someone after so many months/years, but we get annoyed and just want them to snap out of it?
Can we still love one another when they’ve betrayed you and you’re having a hard time forgiving them? How about that person that totally and utterly annoys you or offends you so much you want to just disregard this person exists?
How about being compassionate? Can we show compassion to that person who steps in to church that people naturally want to avoid, because maybe they smell, they’re on the edge of society, they’re not really sane, they’re homeless?
Or how can we be humble? As in not brag about how much we do at work, what latest gadget we have, how many figures we earn, etc etc.?

I’ll be honest here, it’s so difficult to not repay evil with evil. Because you automatically think evil will only accept evil ways. How else would it get to them? Like when someone punched your brother, and what do you want? justice--so then you go off in vengeance hunting down that someone.
Insults are thrown at you so you hurl insults back. The classic example is oh someone cursed to my face, let’s just answer back and curse back in response.
In a moment of frenzy it’s hard to control ones emotions. How can we stop that?

But it tells us we need to go the opposite way, to repay evil with blessings.

I find that hard.
And I know many do too.

Let’s be more reasonable here. It’s ok to forgive someone for saying something bad to you. But how can you forgive that crazy man who touched a boy in a terrible manner in the public toilets? How can you forgive someone that is on death row because he/she was a serial killer?
Or let’s be more closer to home, how can we not be offended when someone driving cuts you and causes you to nearly hit them on the road? Or they do something totally illegal and drives you nuts on the road?

I’ve tried to bless them when people cut me on the roads. It’s a hard task.
But a task one cannot do alone. I still struggle with giving compassion, being humble, loving one another, being like-minded and conflict-free, even sympathetic. All very difficult tasks to do.

And that’s why we need grace from God.
When we are blessed with grace, and when we truly learn the meaning of grace,
it becomes a natural habit of a believer. Our characters demonstrate that we have grace, and we give grace to those around.

And what exactly IS grace?
Well after some research, according to the bible it has said that:
- grace and mercy go hand in hand.
- grace and justification are linked. (I’ve always remembered justification as “just as if I’ve never sinned”)
- grace is opposite of wages (something to be earned); debt (through owing someone); reward (as a prize to be won); and boasting.
- grace also has no connection to works either.

I think I personally need to work on that.
But I know I can only do as what the verse says with God’s help and grace.
But one step at a time, I think.

How about you?

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Adding to the number

Acts 2:46-47

Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favour of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

This evening I had my bible returned to me from a brother who was here for the weekend. I was in another city and left it at the church I went to. Thankfully being reunited with it, it’s amazing how much you miss something. Absence certainly does make the heart grow fonder! 

The verse above, was a verse I highlighted a very long time ago. I highlighted “And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

It brings me [and many others!] great joy to learn of someone becoming a Christian. I can tell you the amount of times I get ecstatic and excited to hear that X amount of people became believers. A sense of pure joy to know that more people are being added to the number of believers in this Body here on earth.

It’s exciting simply because it reaffirms that:
- God is amazing in His miraculous power of saving people.
- God continues to work and romances people to falling in love with Him, on a daily basis.
- God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He has saved many and will continue to do so.
- God is a forgiving God, and through that we are saved.
- It’s not us saving the people, it’s God that’s doing it, by His amazing intervention (Him doing it another words!)
- God’s love is just indescribable. 

And well, I am encouraged by the above verse, because that was what it was like in the early church days of Acts. Jesus had gone back to Heaven, and the church had just started to establish. And Paul, Peter and others were spreading the good news, which went around like wildfire--people believing. It happened back then. And it happens today. 

To add, the whole breaking of bread, i.e. having communion together with the other believers to remember Jesus’s sacriface,
bread = body. wine = blood.

I can honestly say every time I have it, I love it. In the past 3 years being overseas, I struggled with it. Why? Because I didn’t have enough of it. So everytime we had communion I would be emotional, just thinking about the true meaning of it all. We didn’t have enough of it because the church there was careful not to scare people with communion--as people would be confused or not really know the true meaning or there would be misunderstandings, as a lot were new to learning about Christianity. So hence, it was once in a blue moon. And when we had it, wow. But I can also say that in the past 3 years, I might have taken part in this activity close to maybe 10 times or so.  

But it brings me pure joy, so much joy to be back in a place where the body of believers have it frequently enough [but not too often that it gets taken for granted for!]
I love remembering the meaning of communion. And I love that at that moment in time everyone is thinking the same thing. 

Yet the one thing I wish, would be that all believers would also be contemplative of Christ on a daily basis. Every time we have fellowship--to celebrate and come together with sincere hearts, gladness and praising God. And I know that God is adding to the number of believers, daily... though we may not know these folks personally... just to know that God is at work anyway. I hope this though will also promote us all to be glad and praising God.

It’s a win-win situation.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Glowing faces

2 Corinthians 3:18 NIV

And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

Unveiled faces? What's that all about? I had to read the verses before this verse to actually understand the context. Actually had to read a big bulk to get it.

In a nutshell, Paul writes about Moses and how he used to have to wear a veil after he spent time with God because of his glowing face.

But in this verse it says that no longer is it required that we have veils! We have unveiled faces! In earlier verses it says it's because Christ took it away! How cool is that?! No longer are we seperated from God or someone who has a glowing face (oh the glory!) but we too can also be transformed into His image!
And get this, His glory keeps increasing!

Which makes me think, if we think about His glory (i.e. how amazing and awesome He is)... we get transformed into His likeness... Does that mean we'll have glowing faces like Moses?? That'll be cool. Only we don't have to hide our faces, which is interesting too.
I imagine sparking some very interesting conversations with people around me.
Perhaps it would go something like this:

Glum faced chap: you look like you're glowing!
Glowing faced me: oh really?!
Glum faced chap: it can either be two things-- you're either pregnant or in love!

And that makes me think, yeah people do tend to glow when they are either pregnant or in love. Perhaps being contemplative of God's glory will make us glow like as if we're very much in love.
And perhaps as Christians we should take up this activity, so all Christians all have glowing faces so it's the norm and that you're also glowing because you're full of God's image. That would be cool.

Let's pass on this notion. I like it.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Whoever believes

John 14:12–14
Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.

I like that. I like that it says whoever believes... It's not if you're a pastor, a missionary, a super holy Christian... It's anyone that truly believes in Him. That's nice. It's a nice thought that God can work through absolutely anyone, as long as you believe.

And I like that God would help us do even greater things... With his help of course. All for His glory... Which is even more exciting! The thought that it glorifies God makes me feel excited because it's not any old thing, and it doesn't result in any old rubbish solution but rather a good and happy ending--not a tragedy! It's an encouraging thought.

But fundamentally, I love that anyone, whoever believes in Him will work through him. Not some super Christian that you always look up to... Yeah sometimes I used to think.. Oh man I'm not holy or knowledgable like that person and I used to think that was why God wouldn't answer my prayers. But I'm wrong.. Ha.

This is the first of (hopefully) many more devotional verses. Ramblings and my thoughts after reading a few verses or so.

I pray it will make you think too.